Dear Friends,
I hope your Passover was warm and bright and filled with foods that tickled your memory and taste buds from Passover’s of the past. I feel as if our journey this year was somewhat like fleeing from Egypt. We had an unexpected start to the COVID-19 journey, we wandered in the wilderness with social isolation and masks, and now we are arriving at our destination but have been transformed through the wanderings.
COVID-19 narrowed us. Narrowing does not only happen in places, but it can also happen inside us. As we leave COVID-19 behind us through vaccination, I hope we all leave behind any spiritual narrowing as well.
The Board of Trustees has begun to discuss returning to services in person. We hope to have all safeguards and processes in place to begin in May or June. Please get vaccinated. That is the main way to help us get together in person. As per NY State guidelines when we meet in person, we will need to wear masks and socially distance. Rules will be posted clearly in the lobby.
This new freedom to meet and learn together is an opportunity to grow in our practice of Judaism. Where are you on the spiritual journey? What do you want to practice or learn now that we can come together? We are all learners just at different places on the spiritual path.
I hope you will find time to join us for services this month on Zoom and next month maybe in person. See you soon.